
/Phuong Dai Nestler

About Phuong Dai Nestler

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So far Phuong Dai Nestler has created 18 blog entries.

Eramet launches Safety First Innovation Challenge 2022 in partnership with EIT RawMaterials

"Improving the safety of workers is an absolute priority and we must explore all possible solutions to achieve our target of zero accidents by 2023," - says Marion Lenoir, Head of Open Innovation Department at Eramet Ideas

2024-04-15T15:27:13+02:0023 May, 2022|

EIT RawMaterials welcomes the new cohort of EIT-Labelled Master students in Sustainability and Resources Engineering

EIT RawMaterials induction days were held for EIT-Labelled SINReM and EMerald Master students to welcome the next generation of innovators.

2021-10-05T12:26:12+02:004 October, 2021|

Eramet and EIT RawMaterials launch the Responsible Mining Innovation Challenge 2021

Following the successful edition of last year, Eramet is launching the 2021 edition of its Open Innovation Challenge on a theme which is crucial for the future of its activities: Responsible Mining.

2021-06-28T09:21:07+02:0015 June, 2021|

ReLieVe: Closed Loop Recycling of Lithium-ion Batteries from Electric Vehicles

ReLieVe is a collaborative research and innovation project to set up new methods for recycling lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles and produce new ones from recovered materials.

2021-03-18T11:55:29+01:005 November, 2020|
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